"...a disc that merits and rewards repeated listening." Classical Ear, February 2019
"...a wonderful chamber music issue that enthrals from first bar to last." Gramophone, January 2019
"...a thrilling display of alacrity and acrobatics." Records International, December 2018
Arlene Sierra, Vol. 3: Butterflies Remember a Mountain, the latest Sierra portrait disc from Bridge Records, is now available through all major outlets, featuring performances by the Benedetti-Elschenbroich-Grynyuk Trio – the trio of Nicola Benedetti, Leonard Elschenbroich, and Alexei Gruynyuk – as well as the Horszowski Trio, and piano duo Quattro Mani.
Order now from Bridge Records!
Click here to view the earlier discs in the series, Arlene Sierra, Vol. 1, and Game of Attrition: Arlene Sierra, Vol. 2
Click here to see Sierra's other music at Bridge Records