Game of Attrition CD

Game of Attrition: Arlene Sierra, Vol. 2, is Sierra's orchestral portrait disc, released by Bridge Records to international critical acclaim.

Arlene Sierra's chamber settings of Neruda poetry, Two Neruda Odes, will have a Welsh premiere in Cardiff on Tuesday, February 5th.

Acclaimed soprano Patricia Rozario will join members of the Fidelio Trio to perform the piece, alongside works by international colleagues Robert Fokkens, Thomas Larcher and Alasdair Nicholson. More details and ticket ordering information can be found here.

UPDATE: See a review of the performance on the Reviews page of this site.

Listen to clips from Two Neruda Odes and other Sierra vocal works on Soundcloud or follow this link to Sierra's vocal music listening page for more information.

Two Neruda Odes was recorded for the disc Arlene Sierra, Vol. 1 in a performance by the renowned American soprano Susan Narucki.